Let yourself be an expression of God on Earth.

Allow God to Use You as His Expression on Earth

Embracing God’s Purpose

As children of God, we are uniquely designed and endowed with diverse gifts. These gifts are not random; they are intentional and purposeful, designed by God for His expression on Earth. Allowing ourselves to be used by God means embracing these gifts and letting Him work through us to touch the lives of others and manifest His glory.

Understanding God’s Expression Through Us

God’s expression through us is His way of showing the world His character, love, and power. Each of us has different gifts, be it in leadership, compassion, teaching, creativity, or any other area. When we utilize these gifts, we are not just performing tasks or achieving goals; we are allowing God to shine through us. This means that every act of kindness, every wise decision, and every creative endeavor becomes a testament to God’s presence in our lives.

Biblical Example: David’s Unashamed Worship

A profound example of allowing God to use us as His expression on Earth is found in the story of King David. In 2 Samuel 6:14-22, we see David dancing and giving praise to God with all his might as the Ark of the Covenant is brought to Jerusalem. Despite being a king, David did not hold back in his worship. His wife, Michal, criticized him, accusing him of behaving in an undignified manner. David’s response was simple yet powerful: he was willing to look even more foolish if it meant giving glory to God.

David’s unreserved worship exemplifies what it means to let God express Himself through us. He wasn’t concerned about his status or the opinions of others; his focus was solely on honoring God. This story teaches us the importance of prioritizing our relationship with God over societal expectations.

The Creation’s Declaration

The earth itself declares the glory of God. Psalm 19:1-4 beautifully illustrates this: “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge.” Just as the natural world reflects God’s magnificence, we too are called to reflect His glory through our lives. The intricacies of nature, from the vast galaxies to the smallest creatures, all reveal aspects of God’s character. Similarly, our unique gifts and talents are meant to display His creativity, wisdom, and love.

Advantages of Allowing God to Use Us

  1. Blessing Others: When we allow God to use us, we become vessels of His blessings. Our actions, inspired by His love and guidance, can bring hope, healing, and encouragement to those around us.
  2. Personal Fulfillment: Utilizing our God-given gifts brings a deep sense of fulfillment and purpose. We experience the joy of living out our divine calling and contributing to God’s kingdom.
  3. Witness to the World: Our lives become testimonies of God’s presence and power. When people see the love, grace, and wisdom in our actions, they are drawn to the source—God Himself.
  4. Unity in Diversity: The diverse gifts within the body of Christ complement each other, creating a beautiful tapestry of God’s work on Earth. This unity in diversity showcases the completeness of God’s design.

Embracing Our Role

Moving forward, it is crucial to remember the importance of allowing God to use us as His expression on Earth. God loves us deeply and has placed unique gifts within each of us. These gifts are a reflection of Him, and He desires to showcase His love and care through us.

God cherishes us and wants the world to see Him through our actions. It is time to let God have His way in our lives, to allow Him to showcase Himself through us. Let us be His advertisement on Earth, demonstrating His love, care, and glory to the world.

Encouraging Conclusion and Prayer

As we strive to let God use us, let us be encouraged by the truth that He is with us every step of the way. Let’s bow our heads in prayer:

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You for the unique gifts You have placed within us. Help us to embrace these gifts and use them for Your glory. May our lives be a reflection of Your love and power, touching the hearts of those around us. Give us the courage to step out in faith, unashamed and unreserved, just like David. Let Your will be done in our lives, and may we be instruments of Your peace, love, and grace.

In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.


About the Author
Ijeoma, affectionately known as Ije, is a dedicated servant of the Most High GOD and His Prophet. As an ordained Minister, author, coach, and mentor, Ijeoma is committed to spreading the love and word of GOD through various platforms and ministries.
By the grace of GOD, Ijeoma birthed Healing Well of JESUS Ministries Intl., a global ministry touching lives and transforming souls around the world. Her passion for teaching, preaching, writing, and encouraging others shines through in everything she does. She is deeply committed to reminding everyone of the immense love GOD has for them.
Ijeoma is the host of the popular “Healing Well of JESUS TV” on YouTube and the “Healing Well of JESUS Podcast,” where she shares profound biblical insights, powerful prayers, and uplifting messages. Her dedication to GOD’s work is evident in her tireless efforts to inspire and empower others to walk in their divine calling.
Through her ministry, books, and coaching, Ijeoma strives to see others victorious in their lives and callings, always pointing them back to the unfailing love of our Heavenly Father.

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