Season Of Hope (Christmas Intl. Mission)

Dear Beloved Friends and Partners of the Ministry,

As we approach this beautiful season of Christmas, I am excited to share with you a special project that our ministry is embarking on, called “Season of Hope.” This Christmas, Healing Well of JESUS Ministries Intl and In His Glory Ministries Intl are partnering with a local church in Nigeria to bring hope, love, and provision to 50 families who are in desperate need.

The economic situation in Nigeria has reached a critical point, with many families struggling to put food on their tables. The hardship has been unbearable, especially for women, children, widows, orphans, and the needy. But as children of God, we know that we are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus to those in need. We have the incredible opportunity to bring hope to these families by providing them with food and the Word of God through Bibles this Christmas.

Our goal is to raise enough funds to bless these 50 beautiful families in need. In addition to providing food and Bibles, we are aiming to purchase two phones for the pastor and his assistant and to give the pastor a love offering as a token of appreciation for his tireless service to the community.

We need your help to make this possible! A donation of $50 or more can sponsor a family, ensuring they have food to celebrate Christmas and a Bible to strengthen their faith. Your generosity will bring joy, peace, and hope to families who have nothing, and you will be part of transforming lives this holiday season.

As we give to those who cannot repay us, the Lord Himself will bless you abundantly. As a thank you for your kindness, you will receive a 2025 Ministry Calendar and a picture of the families that you have blessed through your giving.

Together, we can make a difference. Will you join me today in spreading the love of Christ to these families? Below are the links to both the Ministry website and our PayPal Fundraising link for your convenience. Please feel free to share this message with your friends, family, and church Bible study groups. Every bit of support counts, and together, we can make this a season of hope for many.

“Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will reward them for what they have done.”Proverbs 19:17

Breakdown of Funds Needed for the Ministry Christmas International Season of Hope Mission

This Christmas, we have partnered with a local church in the Eastern part of Nigeria to help provide food and Bibles to 50 families who are struggling due to the economic hardship in the country. Through your love and generosity, we will bless these families with essential food items and the Word of God, both in English and in the local language. Additionally, we will bless the pastor and his assistant with mobile phones and a love offering for their service.

Here is the breakdown of the funds needed for this mission:

  1. Food Items for 50 Families
    Each family will receive the following:
  • Rice (10 kg)
  • Canned Tomatoes (12 cans)
  • Cooking Oil (2 liters)
  • Yam (5 tubers)
  • Beans (5 kg)
  • Salt (1 kg) Cost per family: $50
    Total for 50 families: $2,500
  1. Bibles
    Each family will receive one Bible in English or the local language.
  • Cost of one Bible: $10
  • Total for 50 Bibles: $500
  1. Mobile Phones for the Pastor and His Assistant
    We want to bless the pastor and his assistant with new mobile phones to help them in their ministry.
  • Cost of each phone: $100
  • Total for two phones: $200
  1. Love Offering for the Pastor
    To honor the pastor’s dedication and service, we want to bless him with a love offering.
  • Love offering: $150

Total Amount Needed for the Mission:

  • Food for 50 families: $2,500
  • Bibles for 50 families: $500
  • Phones for the pastor and his assistant: $200
  • Love offering for the pastor: $150

Grand Total: $3,350

How You Can Help:
You can sponsor a family by donating $50, or you can join hands with friends and family to sponsor one or more families. If the Lord lays it on your heart to purchase the two mobile phones, we will be so grateful for your contribution.

Remember, we are the hands and feet of JESUS, and together, we can accomplish this goal. Let us bring joy, hope, and the love of Christ to these families this Christmas.

“Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will reward them for what they have done.”Proverbs 19:17

May GOD bless you abundantly in the mighty name of JESUS as you give. I love you all in JESUS’ name!

Thank you all so much for your love, your generosity, and your kindness. I love you all dearly, and I pray that the Lord continues to bless you and your families as you bless others.

With love and gratitude,

Healing Well of JESUS Ministries Intl & In His Glory Ministries Intl

PayPal Fundraising Link:

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