GET UP NOW AND FIGHT BACK!!

    Have you found yourself in a Season where it seems like you are trying to do the things that the LORD has assigned you to do? But it feels like you take a step forward and then you encounter one obstacle after another.

  Psalm 46:5 KJV

5 God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved: God shall help her, and that right early.

Friends, I want to encourage you today to know that the LORD is with you, and he is in the midst of you a mighty warrior. He said to us in his words that he will never leave us nor forsake us. Whenever the LORD gives us an assignment know that the enemy will bring all kinds of distractions and the goal is to frustrate us to the point of giving up. You are a Child of GOD and the LORD has anointed you and given you the power to conquer all.

In the book of Luke 10 verse 19, the LORD encourages us and reminds us that he has given us the power to tread on Serpents and Scorpions. And watch this he goes further to tell us that this power that he has given us is also over all the power of the enemy. Wow!! This is a great place to shout praise to the LORD. For we serve a GOD that is so faithful and loves us so much. And then the LORD puts the Cherry on top and adds that nothing shall by any means harm. Hallelujah! Glory to our Abba father who is so faithful and loving.

Luke 10:19 KJV

19 Behold, I give unto you the power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

   In life, we may come to a point on our Journey with the LORD, and it seems that all crazy attacks are coming from every corner but beloved know that the LORD that we serve is more than able to do exceedingly and abundantly more than we can ever imagine.

  The attacks are on the call on your life. The enemy knows that he can discourage you and get you to quit or abort the assignments that the LORD has given you. Then the purpose of your call will be derailed and the people that are attached to your Yes will miss out on what the LORD has placed in you for them to bring healing and deliverance.

  Friends, not too long ago my main Computer that I usually use for my work and the ministry suddenly shut off. And I couldn’t get it back on. So, I was very discouraged and then I proceeded to utilize my other computer to finish up some of the work that I had pending. But I still missed my main computer and I had so many projects that I had saved on it.

  Weeks passed and every day I would look at my laptop and believe that it would still turn back, and I would be able to retrieve all the work that I had saved on it.

  So today a miracle happened. I was coming down my stairs and I started to pray to GOD, and it was a very simple prayer to my Abba Father. I said to the LORD. Papa, I speak resurrection power to my laptop, and I believe in my heart that when I plug the power into the computer that this time it will work, and it will receive power and will charge so that I can be able to turn it on and retrieve all my work. And then I said to him that I repent for not saving my work to the flash drive. Friends, do you not know that the LORD answers our prayers, and he sees our hearts? I then went to my computer, and I laid my hands on it and prayed and spoke that it would come back to life and then I plugged in the power. Friends to my amazement the computer received power and for the first time in weeks started to charge after it received power. Hallelujah. Your story may not necessarily be like mine. However, there may be something in your life that you need to be resurrected, and the LORD is encouraging you today to speak his resurrection power over that thing that has seemed to be dead. You have the power and the authority from our GOD to speak and declare and see things move in your favor. So, beloved what are you waiting Speak the word to that situation, to that circumstance, and command it to come back to life. Amen.

The LORD loves his children so much and he encourages us that he has already provided all that we need in him to defeat the enemy and his works against us. But we must press in and ask the HOLY SPIRIT to help us and give us the word of GOD to fight the battles that we face. And I know that the HOLY SPIRIT will do just that because there is no way that you will cry unto the LORD, and he will not answer. I love what the LORD tells us in the book of Isaiah 45:15

Isaiah 41:15 KJV

15 Behold, I will make thee a new sharp threshing instrument having teeth: thou shalt thresh the mountains, and beat them small, and shalt make the hills as chaff.

  This is so powerful.

I pray that this has blessed and encouraged you. The LORD loves you so much and he wants you to get up and fight for he has given you the power and the anointing needed to move mountains. I love you with the LOVE of GOD and GOD Loves you so much.

At his feet,


Healing Well of JESUS Ministries Intl.

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