Are your wings broken?


   As I was watching a movie. I heard “His wings are broken. One of the main characters a young man had found this beautiful bird stuck in the windows of an old building. It was amazing to see how gentle he was to the bird. He picked the bird up and he tendered to its wound and he bandaged the bird’s wing. And then to my amazement, he took a sock, and he made clothing for the bird and he put it over the bird for covering and protecting.

   And I started to ponder on this, and I started to remember the love of GOD for his children. Many of us walk around on broken bones, broken promises, regrets, and broken wings that hinder us from flying and soaring to new heights with the LORD. But if we could only allow the LORD who is our Abba Father to attend to our wounds and heal them. Then we will be able to soar with wings that are whole and that have gone through the healing process with the almighty GOD.

   When the LORD heals us, we can come over to the other side, and all the residue from our past hurts, and past mistakes are removed, and we are made whole. And guess what! When we are whole then we can bring healing to others. This is because we become conduits of GOD’s love. And we carry it everywhere we go, and others are blessed and healed in the almighty name of JESUS through us because we have now become his hands and feet on the Earth.

  So beloved friends, will you allow the LORD to heal your wounds to heal your broken wings so that you may soar like an Eagle to new heights with him?

  And the story ends amazingly with this beautiful bird that was once trapped because he couldn’t fly and the reason that he couldn’t fly was because his wings were broken, and he was wounded. But after receiving treatment and rest he was nurtured back to health, and he was now endowed with strength from the LORD. And when he was made whole. He was now able to fly again.

The window was now open, and this sweet bird went flying like nothing ever happened. And this is what happens when the LORD heals us.

   I pray blessings over you, and I pray that you will receive the courage today from the LORD to let him bring healing to every part of you that needs his healing. GOD loves you so much and he wants you to be healed and whole.

   The time to soar with the LORD is now!

Psalms 103:5 – Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle’s. KJV

At his feet,


Healing Well of JESUS Ministries Intl.


Green Heron Recovering From Broken Wing (

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